1 created fresh Keybase account, adding first key PGP fingerprint 2ACC 08B4 69A2 1FEB , claimed ownership of twitter account nicolas_a_chan 2 claimed ownership of twitter account nicolas_a_chan 3 claimed ownership of github account nc99 4 claimed ownership of nicolaschan.com via dns 5 claimed ownership of twitter account nicolas_a_chan 6 claimed ownership of twitter account nicolas_a_chan 7 claimed ownership of twitter account nicolas_a_chan 8 claimed ownership of twitter account nicolas_a_chan, revoked signature 7 9 revoked signature 3 10 revoked signature 8 11 claimed ownership of twitter account nicolas_a_chan 12 claimed ownership of github account nc99 13 claimed ownership of reddit account nc99 15 revoked signature 13 16 claimed ownership of reddit account NicolasChan 17 added bitcoin address 1FuoiqCurb8o1EymfkSsJCzZAM3jgeNTqM 18 claimed ownership of coinbase account nicolaschan 19 revoked signature 12 20 claimed ownership of github account nicolaschan 24 added Dell XPS 13 (revoked later) 25 added encryption key for Dell XPS 13 26 added dwarf worth 27 added encryption key for dwarf worth 31 revoked signature 17 32 added bitcoin address 1Jztde68ggk7MWwXMLRo6XErvsFQTXRBKx 33 claimed ownership of nicolaschan.com via https 34 revoked signature 33 37 added Nexus 6P 38 added encryption key for Nexus 6P 40 added iMac 41 added encryption key for iMac 42 revoked Dell XPS 13 43 added XPS 13 44 added encryption key for XPS 13 45 auto-generated a new user key 46 added nicolas-desktop 47 added encryption key for nicolas-desktop