Creator of Teknik.io and Software Engineer by trade.
Following (17)
taivlam |
agaskill Andrew Gaskill |
flygon Flygon |
recl a |
winny |
elborro Rob Verseijden |
greenbagels Sameed Pervaiz |
chip Chip Wolf |
witheld |
Followers (18)
brokenbotnet rE-Bo0t.bx1 |
marinegalp9qo Marina Pakarinen |
taivlam |
agaskill Andrew Gaskill |
flygon Flygon |
recl a |
winny |
elborro Rob Verseijden |
witheld |
Browse others (15)
kalle16 Tore Fredriksen |
owahab Omar Ali |
newtronic Knox North |
jacobcovington Jacob Covington |
pouliot Francis Pouliot |
janxx jan |
nprail Noah Prail |
danjohnson Daniel Johnson |