Jason Tubnor
Security Lead and Systems Engineer at LCHS. OpenBSD guru and a purveyor of fine BSDs. When not at work, I'm out bikepacking!
Croydon, VIC, Australia
Following (13)
seanc Sean Chittenden |
mwyres Michael Wyres |
lattera Shawn Webb |
dvl Dan Langille |
sthen Stuart Henderson |
notinapeartree Tim Partridge |
chrislas Chris Fisher |
wimpress Martin Wimpress |
mulander Adam Wołk |
Followers (5)
kloinka Eric Tsingos |
cally1980 Peter Nash |
teslapro69 Tesla Thaksin |
sblaydes Scott Blaydes |
jim17 jimmy |
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shremy Shrembot |
linuxtom Linux Tom |
cybercowboy Benjamin Boyer |
andriesvh Andries Van Humbeeck |
gregorykelleher Gregory Kelleher |
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angelinash Angelina Shchur |
sierra101 Riss the Radical |
yaeisms eimaan |