I'm a Portuguese guy who likes games and books (mostly Tolkien)
Following (16)
warbnull |
filthy_heretic |
guss_tr |
kitsune9tails NOYB |
volunterry |
angelinblackink Mike, the Anarcho-Uncle Bobby |
57855574553 |
lis_13 |
coycynt |
limoncello someone |
Followers (8)
mavexe619 Mave cydex |
warbnull |
volunterry |
angelinblackink Mike, the Anarcho-Uncle Bobby |
the_nfe |
lis_13 |
chaser_ls Chaser the Fatty |
austrian_soul |
Browse others (15)
mcollier Marcus Collier |
rnesiu1 Radu Nesiu |
linux_modder Corey Sheldon |
echowxsy Echowxsy |
cuihaosabrina Hao CUI |
ramiroalvaro Ramiro Alvaro |
acb Andrew Bennett |
dominator008 Michael Zhou |
jonathanlking Jonathan King |
jamesharrison James Harrison |