Here members can get together to find one another in order to connect with other FPM Contracted members with the view to look for other members with whom to create their Self Reflection Group. 218 total members
0 public admins
This team has no admins who wish to be public.
6 public members
dave_0108 david, donald, from the house of Paris |
jeffrey_1737 Jeffrey Brian, House of Ramos |
diana_2232 Diana Jean Muir |
richard_1811 Richard Duncan, House of Leckie |
samuel_0385 Samuel Lauwers |
cindy_325 Cindy Reed |
How to join gemstone_.cws_essays.connectionInstall KeybaseDownload Keybase and enter "gemstone_.cws_essays.connection" from the teams tab. If the admins believe you belong in the team, they will sign you into it. Or, if you personally know the admins, you can ask them to add you. |