Tamara Paula Temple
A geeky girl, mom to 2 grown kids and 1 cat, Nana to two smol boys, webologist, watercolourist, once and future musician, software craftsperson, lover of critters large and small
minnesota, usa, earth, sol, milky way
Following (33)
risaacson Richard Isaacson |
krainboltgreene Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene |
bendemaree Ben Demaree |
btholt Brian Holt |
marsroverdriver Scott Maxwell |
snambiar |
nmpennypacker NM Pennypacker |
yll090 Yordan Lyubenov |
micopc Gabriel Peña |
Followers (30)
brianmitchl Brian Mitchell |
bcnogueira Breno Nogueira |
krbullock |
enzog Enzo G. |
sbaker Norbert Szulc |
ngvyenbrannon96 Ngvyen Brannon |
harry1219 |
lucciant lucci |
Browse others (14)
cadacama Cameron |
garethochse Gareth Ochse |
noels Noel Sharpe |
tlalexchilcott Alex Chilcott |
sofiapan Sofia |
griffgriff Griffin |
emrah emrah soylu |
reblewsmi R L S |
romir PotateL |
izolate Yosh Talwar |
shendrick Sammy Hendrick |