Simona Fontana
Co-founder @Mimic, a service to check prices and purchase cryptocurrencies from mobile
previously ICO Project Manager @Friendz / M&A FIG consultant @EY / Acquisition and Leveraged Finance intern @JP Morgan.
Following (5)
berndoostrum Bernd Oostrum |
mikusl Mikus Losans |
francescafinelli francesca |
paveljakovlev Pavel Jakovlev |
nicolai_reinbold Nicolai Reinbold |
Followers (5)
amxl Amel |
juergenkob Juergen Kob |
mikusl Mikus Losans |
emilorincz Emi Lorincz |
francescafinelli francesca |
Browse others (15)
daniel8408 jeromy felix |
redwardlee christopher |
kialysa Alysa Kikuchi |
jeffery Jeffery Fernandez |
25years_innocent kenneth |
reyjok Jacob Sumpter |
missc Cluj-Napoca |
leandrogonzales Leandro Gonzales |