Seedy Threepio
Hi, I'm Seedy-threepio, better known as Seedy. I'm a tech geek, fighting game lover, audiophile, text to speech enthusiast and maths nerd who loves to laugh and socialize. I'm 22 years old and have no eyesight.
The 2000s
Following (5)
valiant8086 |
theblindgamer50 |
destructatron Harley Richardson |
datajake1999 |
yael_ |
Followers (4)
willbilec |
valiant8086 |
theblindgamer50 |
yael_ |
Browse others (15)
fjukic Filip Jukić |
astewart0152 Alex Stewart |
supersam654 Sam Marder |
mconaboy Michael Conaboy |
anayi ITG |
schwennesen Matt Schwennesen |
pablo_el_mundo Pablo Herraiz |
robertokarr Roberto Karr |
anil_alokin Anil S |