Shawn Copeland
Activist, Organizer, Noob Hacker and maker. Trying to bring tech ethos to activism before I succumb to hedonism
Following (5)
jhen Jared Henderson |
mlakomy |
nvmacek Nicholas V. Macek |
mikegogulski Mike Gogulski |
rechelon William Gillis |
Followers (5)
jhen Jared Henderson |
ayomikunfalz |
afrontiti |
mlakomy |
nvmacek Nicholas V. Macek |
Browse others (15)
jn168 John Nguyen |
occupy_paul_st Paul Kernfeld |
dblg Gregg McNichol |
x0119 x0119 |
chrisbuckley Chris Buckley |
gekkota mark g |
sangeethasree Sangeetha Sreenikethan |
joncojonathan Jonathan Haddock |
phuonghuynh_eng Phuong Huynh |
outscale_gerard Gérard Javault |
louisbailly Aleks Szulc |