Scott S. Lowe
An IT pro specializing in cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking. Author, blogger, podcaster, and speaker. All opinions are mine.
Denver, CO, USA
Following (49)
cloudtoad Derick Winkworth |
brendandburns Brendan Burns |
grhoades Greg Rhoades |
jpwarren Justin Warren |
grantorchard Grant Orchard |
mirceaulinic Mircea Ulinic |
virtualhobbit Mark Brookfield |
mhausenblas Michael Hausenblas |
justaugustus Stephen Augustus |
timmycarr Tim Carr |
Followers (113)
rodrigorovere Rodrigo Rovere |
lykinsbd Brett Lykins |
jreypo Juan Manuel Rey |
stealthybox Leigh Capili |
sobral Robson Sobral |
unicell Qiu Yu |
cloudtoad Derick Winkworth |
mhmd Mohammed Almusaddar |
grhoades Greg Rhoades |
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