David Murphy
Husband, Father, Coder, Developer, Manager, Author, School Governor, and organiser of @CodeCumbria.
Cumbria, UK
Followers (18)
equesions1 James Gardiner |
okohokonu Thomas Hawkins |
markfknight Mark Knight |
jacklenox Jack Lenox |
spufidoo Marcus Davage |
statik Elliot Murphy |
mezzle Martin Meredith |
joey911 Joey STANFORD |
lancewillett Lance Willett |
mxsscott Mark Scott |
Browse others (15)
1ndomitable Angel Fire (the shirt) |
tylerpaige Tyler Paige |
g4brielvs Gabriel |
markwalkom Mark Walkom |
epiceric Eric Rodrigues Pires |
marcellolaposta Marcello La Posta |
jmsampayo Jose M. Sampayo |
gloria415 Gloria |
leonderijke Leon de Rijke |
jarrod_dixon Jarrod Dixon |
jimmywell Jimmy Ing |
ohanhi Ossi Hanhinen |
mopyumal Gayvoronskaya Zinaida |