I'm kyoot and I hate capitalism
it sucks
keel landlord
Following (5)
catalystkid |
comrad13 ComradeFrankenstein |
seizethejeans |
killachancla |
stell3 Saccharine Succubus |
Followers (10)
linuxonboard 🦆 |
boxmasterx Alexander Debia |
catalystkid |
comrad13 ComradeFrankenstein |
seizethejeans |
killachancla |
dacuiri dAc |
witchdoc86 nope |
krlsmarxley nope |
stell3 Saccharine Succubus |
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andrian6 Andrian Albu |
1337core Al3x |
fzerorubigd Forud Ghafouri |
mad97x Mad97x |
erhank Eric Hankins |
zaklaus Dominik Madarasz |
carlbrown Carl Brown |
marcusjonfisher Marcus Brown |
theredclay The Red Clay |