Pwning Devices since '99. Long term Developer and Security Researcher.
Following (7)
nba Niklas Baumstark |
haifisch Haifisch |
specterdev |
richardschwartz Richard Schwartz |
saurik Jay Freeman (saurik) |
saelo Samuel Groß |
qwertyupz qw |
Followers (22)
whobaca |
erenkaplan Eren Kaplan |
mathew3457 |
bancocentral |
dpb75 |
itzzquavo Quavo |
billyzhang |
plzdonthaxme plx |
caedon07 |
k4be1 |
Browse others (14)
richadua Richa Dua |
regangan8d Regail And |
lukestadtler Luke Stadtler |
fstoerkle Florian |
antoniousjames Elliott Collins |
lommaj John Lomma |
specktastic Sam Peck |
pcostesi Pablo Alejandro Costesich |
comradepixie Pixie |