Lance O'Connor
Distinguished Engineer at TiVo … Years of ops/techops/sysops/devops, etc. at places like TiVo, Samsung, and various tech companies through the years.
Sunnyvale, CA
Following (25)
poochieb Blake |
tsc647 Tanya Chamberlain |
atc339 Andrew Cope |
scujuan96 juan alcala |
jamieoconnor Jamie O’Connor |
alexandraboc Alexandra O’Connor |
tarose Todd Rose |
aysounitedsv ASYO United Silicon Valley |
pmgrant72 |
paulwelander Paul Welander |
Followers (15)
markfreytag Mark Freytag |
cristobaloo cristobal baray |
takasugitut |
thatgaljill Jill Shanmugasundaram |
jamieoconnor Jamie O’Connor |
alexandraboc Alexandra O’Connor |
tarose Todd Rose |
aysounitedsv ASYO United Silicon Valley |
merwins M. Shanmugasundaram |
paulwelander Paul Welander |
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ericsala Eric Sala i Marin |
ubangure Ushe Bangure |
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mashad_ Ashad Mouhamed |
brucehartley Bruce Hartley |
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bbogado Basilio Bogado |
harshak777 Harshak Krishnaa |
666diablo Leokadia Nowakowska |
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