Robert Rand
I'm a maker, gun enthusiast, and republican. I don't have time for little kids shit talking, being rude, or being unhelpful. Generally I'm anti-douche bag. I'm here to learn and help others.
Following (12)
zipdic Zip Dic |
fatslob |
toryon |
v555 555 |
broletariat Bro Letariat |
bigbootybuttcake Nincompoop Supreme |
lulzgoat |
ghostsnake |
mussy Mussy |
derwood1 Cobra-9 🐍 |
Followers (3)
freefalling not that guy |
thomasmachin666 Sleepy |
ajalamriki AJ_alAmriki |
Browse others (14)
antonholmberg Anton Holmberg |
koli Peter Kolenič |
shannardecl Berg Viktor |
telegramsucks telegramsucks |
gregfc Greg Weil |
cheeph Mr. Cheeph |
dhubert Damien Hubert |