Richard Burton
Building Balance, an interface for the open financial system. Spent time at Stripe and Ethereum.
Following (8)
zoink Dylan Field |
jordanfish Jordan Fish |
mattdavey Matt Davey |
fekunze Federico Kunze |
lwsnbaker lawson baker |
jackleslie Jack Leslie |
frdwrd James Prestwich |
pedrouid Pedro Gomes |
Followers (79)
space_farmer |
dimitarnestorov Dimitar Nestorov |
sabotagebeats Ðogeoshi Nakadoggo |
shelbysetzer Shelby Setzer |
moritzbierling Moritz Bierling |
jordanfrankfurt JordanFrankfurt |
okwme Billy Rennekamp |
palmin Anders Borum |
throughnothing Will |
crwalker Chris Walker |