Collin Doering
Excelling in the software area through self-taught exploration for years, building extensive expertise in a number of technologies.
Following (13)
jrarmstrong Joel Armstrong |
jsadler90 |
billsibs Bill Sibley |
jbuckley_es |
molenik_es Matt Olenik |
lokeshmallireddy |
pmiskinis Paul Miskinis |
dgallant Dave Gallant |
bacongobbler Matthew Fisher |
svandek Sam Vandekerckhove |
Followers (12)
arthurjordao Arthur Bernardi Jordão |
thinkswift |
jrarmstrong Joel Armstrong |
jsadler90 |
fluxaugur Nathanial L. McConnell |
billsibs Bill Sibley |
pmiskinis Paul Miskinis |
dgallant Dave Gallant |
lokeshmallireddy |
svandek Sam Vandekerckhove |
Browse others (15)
nvrnv Nikolay Voronov |
pistacchio00 Patrizio Cruciani |
nicolasritouet Nicolas Ritouet |
jreid7 Jason Reid |
shaker Shaker242 |
muurtegel Maarten Arts |
ilya_t Ilya Trushchenko |
adn2120 Andrew |
cwalkatron Chris Walker |
spil Bernard Spil |
misterwhopper Levi Shaffer |