Michael Ratliff
I live in a small fishing town
I bait the hooks for tourists
My dad used to do the same, he was a real master...
it is my lifes ambition to follow in his footsteps and become a Master-baiter 😉
Northern California
Following (36)
arthurnn Arthur Nogueira Neves |
sh00t Shooter McGavin |
sasajuric Saša Jurić |
idrathernot |
hardmanroadside Marc |
wennergr Tobias Wennergren |
gallamine William Cox |
imaginer77 Imaginer77 |
jbeez Jeremiah Bright |
Followers (10)
luvingak4ever john akpos |
zimdog Zim Dog |
mjwaters46 |
jbeez Jeremiah Bright |
ghostrider4 Greg |
mgarfias Mike Garfias |
chiefjaybob Eustace Haverkamp |
45winmag |
robroy90 Rob |
reverendsin David Martinez |
Browse others (15)
kikuchanj 鞠婧禕 |
msalmansaeedch Muhammad Salman |
apavlinov Anton Pavlinov |
filipes Filipe Silva |
ssaunderson Stuart Saunderson |
randallraboy Randall Raboy |
mischamolhoek Mischa Molhoek |
ruslankopyto Ruslan Kopytko |
glevi Gall Levi |
reneehe Renee |
fhibler Florian Hibler |
luhas Pedro Luhas |