Rafael Almeida
Dad, software designer, skater, snowboarder ... passionate about life and the universe.
New Zealand
Following (13)
skull_stubble |
chris Chris Coyne |
rafael_properly Rafael Almeida |
carsonbruce |
tonydoubleg |
guscunha Gus Cunha |
stonesolid Caleb |
michaelpaterson MJP |
hyojin Hyojin Jung |
aantonop Andreas M. Antonopoulos |
Followers (7)
skull_stubble |
cocolina Kameliq Toncheva |
uly6 Ulysses Kuntze |
michaelpaterson MJP |
hyojin Hyojin Jung |
stonesolid Caleb |
rafanami Rafael Nami |
Browse others (14)
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ao Alexander Olma |
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notbatokikic notbatokikic |
ahmedh Ayoade |
h0d Rodrigue |