Peter Okwara
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
#humancentereddesign #photography #dapps #datascience #hardware #informationsecurity #bots
Following (7)
dankimotho Daniel Kimotho |
poppingtonic Brian Muhia |
georgemosomi |
blocksmithjerry Jerry Huff |
khosimorafo Khosi Morafo |
gunicorn Shalom Nyende |
krypt007 Steve Kiarie - EOS Nairobi |
Followers (5)
poppingtonic Brian Muhia |
georgemosomi |
blocksmithjerry Jerry Huff |
krypt007 Steve Kiarie - EOS Nairobi |
gunicorn Shalom Nyende |
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kemicool Ambrose Kemi |
fholmqvist Viviann Strm |
jackkill r0b |
mkowalczuk Michał Kowalczuk |
thatgustavo Gustavo Cavalcante |
110percent Curtis Davies |
caesarwoo Caesar Woo |
staypuftman Dan Mitchell |
arkadiusz003 Arkadiusz Pazoła |