Owen Blacker
Tech lead at an ad agency. Founder, director and trustee of mySociety and a founder and director of the Open Rights Group, having sat on the Advisory Council since ORG was founded. Also an avid Wikipedian.
Woking, GB
Following (72)
inforocket Patrick Robertshaw |
dmcmorrow Daniel McMorrow |
seldo Laurie Voss |
jamescronin James Cronin |
mrv Michael Veale |
gdanezis George Danezis |
dimitar83 Dimitar Dimitrov |
benl Ben Laurie |
javierruiz Javier Ruiz |
baskers Sarah Baskerville |
Followers (72)
alaricsp Alaric Snell-Pym |
jeremiahlee Jeremiah Lee |
inforocket Patrick Robertshaw |
dgod |
javierruiz Javier Ruiz |
baskers Sarah Baskerville |
benmeg Ben Meghreblian |
skylarmacdonald Skylar MacDonald |
dmcmorrow Daniel McMorrow |
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mdb87 Matt Burns |
as962 Adi Saric |
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lisawood Bruno Wieczorek |
mayhemo7 Dominic |
cristiandumitru Cristian Dumitru |
timknight Tim Knight |
rbakery Ryan Baker |
cerebros Nsof |