a simple guy who struggles with the difficulties of life and sincerely believes in xch
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bramcohen Bram Cohen |
s_caranna Sean Caranna |
matt_howard Matt Howard |
jacknelson Jack Nelson |
get_eip Charlie |
jde5011 Justin England |
fcoleman Freddie Coleman |
efishcent eFishCent.xch |
chiaminejp Izumi Hoshino (HeHim) |
calumh11 Calum Harris |
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carlitoz Juan Carlos Leon |
mlyons Michael Lyons |
atimmer Andre Timmer |
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carl_svard Carl Svärd |
distantcam Cameron MacFarland |
iamdey David Epely |
adamjedrzejec Adam Jędrzejec |
bersy Alessandra |
tibord Tibor Debuš |
chesterbe Chesterbee |
heavens_wail Heaven's Wail |