Nuno Emanuel Sousa
Just hanging on to this big old rock tumbling through the universe
Porto, Portugal
Following (5)
pfreitas Pedro Freitas |
pfcosta Pedro Filipe Costa |
pmfonseca Pedro Fonseca |
telmoinacio Telmo Inácio |
pitermarx pitermarx |
Followers (5)
avpaula André Paula |
paulapires Paula Pires |
cfthody Elton Fernandes |
pitermarx pitermarx |
telmoinacio Telmo Inácio |
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stevenringo Steven Ringo |
jwilkie Joseph Wilkie |
mzook Melissa Z |
drugo Valerio Belli |
fredforsberg Fred Forsberg |
jamielongmuir Jamie Longmuir |
elainehalonen elaine halonen |
francesko František Kalvas |
abbeylxn_ Abbey Lane |
markhuber86 Mark Huber |