Don’t tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
Following (7)
danlowrance Dan |
winonakoop Winona Koop |
margoriemosser Margorie Mosser |
jereswingle Jere Swingle |
zbassett Zoraida Bassett |
amadaloy Amada Loy |
macdeer Deer |
Followers (6)
kylawolf Wolf |
hiramborn Hiram Born |
ameeappleby Appleby |
boryalong Boris |
mylesmcleod McLe-od |
swilleysunny Sunny |
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zlomek404 Mirek Małysz |
ajda9 Ajda Ferluga |
carter110903 Carter |
jhanby Jeff Hanby |
antigravities Alexandra Frock |
kf7vvj Aaron |
voldmaire Vold Maire |