Evan Lloyd New-Schmidt
Student at Olin College of Engineering, originally from the Central Coast.
Needham, Mass
Following (18)
tkporter |
sdaitzman Sam Daitzman |
adamnovotny Adam Novotny |
margocrawf Margo Crawford |
halthewise Eric Miller |
wolfed Danny Wolf |
jaredbriskman Jared Briskman |
mpbrucker Matt Brucker |
ripecoconut Nathan Yee |
osteele Oliver Steele |
Followers (11)
janeannne Jane anne Gonzale |
margocrawf Margo Crawford |
sdaitzman Sam Daitzman |
ripecoconut Nathan Yee |
mcieminski Mitchell Cieminski |
wolfed Danny Wolf |
jaredbriskman Jared Briskman |
ian_paul Ian Paul |
osteele Oliver Steele |
dakota Dakota Nelson |
Browse others (14)
javicordero Javi Cordero |
thiagownt Thiago Wilson Nevares Trindade |
jullian Jull freddy |
rdaros Ricardo Da Ros |
tawesley67 Tammy Wesley |
fridabohme Irmhild Meyer |
hugoperegrina Hugo Peregrina |