Nate Subra
I'm an Infosec Practitioner with a love for automation. I don't believe in silver bullet solutions, I believe in the right people, armed with the right knowledge, with the right tools. Workflow is my 3rd favorite word.
Des Moines, Iowa
Following (8)
rot0xd rot0xd |
ryanohoro Ryan O'Horo |
secdsm_ia SecDSM |
specterops SpecterOps |
that_guy Arden |
teacup Aaron Tekippe |
tompohl Tom Pohl |
mlwakeman Matt Wakeman |
Followers (8)
randy_dazer Randy Dazer |
rot0xd rot0xd |
tompohl Tom Pohl |
romans6 |
teacup Aaron Tekippe |
that_guy Arden |
kfalconspb Scott Bollinger |
mlwakeman Matt Wakeman |
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plasidturtle Mike Small |
kensel1 Ken |
ajcutshall Alan J. Cutshall (AJ) |
pawanbapure Pawan Bapure |
snuupy Snuupy |
jesicabhatt Jesica Bhatt |
playerumpknown Fitch |
mvancenavi Michael Vance |