Independent Journalist & Cheeky Bastard ;) Former Mechanical Design & Test Engineer and Army Demolitions Specialist.
Following (13)
ghostz Unnamed Marine |
tweeek |
neutralfinish nah |
plat0 |
randy4liberty69 Copper_Coyote |
greybeard Deez Nutz |
gunbunny |
godellian_uni1 |
boogolgiboi Assistant to the Regional Doom Slayer |
s2undergroundops |
Followers (5)
tweeek |
doctorcat Dr. Cat |
h4shur mohammad jafari |
randy4liberty69 Copper_Coyote |
godellian_uni1 |
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barakmich Barak Michener |
scedastic David Kim |
slop_sec Tomas |
balmas Bridget Almas |
millernerd Sean Miller |
skade1w7u Sherita Kade |
marlont Marlon Torres |
mclehman Max |
jonathanhaas Jonathan Haas |