“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.”
– Thomas Jefferson,
Following (8)
incarbonite |
chuckschumer Senator Chuck Shumer (D-NY) |
blu_ray Blu |
atthyrighthand Alex |
obsucre Midnight Doomer |
kilofoxtrot90 Kilo |
fosscad Free Open Source Software Computer Aided Design |
Followers (5)
mult1 |
atthyrighthand Alex |
blu_ray Blu |
kilofoxtrot90 Kilo |
obsucre Midnight Doomer |
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vectorkappa Piotr Patalong |
xtiandeocampo Christian Deocampo |
kevin_johnson Kevin Johnson |
etate Edward Tate |
gongjianhui Jianhui Gong |
luciletruman Lucile Truman |
rehno Rehno Lindeque |
colville Geordie |
camilo_cabrera Camilo Cabrera |
palmerlao Palmer Lao |