Matthias P. Braendli
Does embedded software stuff. Is able to fix valve guitar amplifiers and is a steam locomotive fireman. Maintains the ODR-mmbTools utilities for DAB+ broadcasting used in small-scale DAB.
Sometimes goes by the handle "HB9EGM".
Following (5)
dkozel Derek Kozel |
smne Smne |
yorickbrunet Yorick Brunet |
mhabegger Mathieu Habegger |
theglu |
Followers (4)
smne Smne |
thhofer Thomas Hofer |
yorickbrunet Yorick Brunet |
theglu |
Browse others (14)
rustem2022 Rustem A. |
jwisser Jonas Wisser |
ppresto Patrick |
liang3404814 Ang Li |
jduarte Jon Duarte |
stefanco stefan |
marsanfra Pascal Borghino |