Michele Loi
Senior scientific manager
Reach out to me for normative questions (ethics and politics of AI, web platforms etc). Impact assessment. Auditing platforms project.
Following (8)
denissorie Denis Sorie |
marsh_aw Oliver Marsh |
fabiochiusi Fabio Chiusi |
johnalbert John Albert |
lljhndrch |
pimarco Marco |
ramagul Anna Mätzener |
matthiass Matthias Spielkamp |
Followers (26)
luisa_aw Luisa Ogorka |
nora_aw sick-leave Nora Oppermann (NO) |
pia_so Pia Sombetzki |
kristina_aw Kristina Huebner |
nevena_aw Nevena Mitic |
maceo_aw Maceo |
emilia_aw Emilia |
stella_aw Stella Heine |
marsh_aw Oliver Marsh |
bettinaduerr Bettina Duerr |
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eduadiez Eduardo |
ghussesela Frannsen Yeppe |
doctane Doctane |
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refugiobadillo Refugio Badillo |
christophercliff Christopher Cliff |
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tguerrero_va Tyler Guerrero |