Laurent Haug
My job is to search for the emerging ideas, people and organizations that will make a meaningful impact in the coming years. Using my experience and network, I nurture those pockets of positive change through guidance, investments, and events.
Geneva, Switzerland
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lgv Leon-Gerard Vandenberg |
pedrocustodio Pedro Custodio |
smaret Sylvain MARET |
bernino Bernino Lind |
rolfvb Rolf |
davidroessli David Roessli |
johannrichard Johann Richard |
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serge Sergei Matheson |
camilo_garcia Camilo Garcia Rivera |
cmck Colleen McKenzie |
sckn23006 João Neves |
sbair Steven Bair |
stevphel Steven Phelan, PhD |
vika_korzhova Viktoria Korzhova |
dobog Daniel |
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timotheegirard Timothée Girard |
roy_zhou Roy Zhou |