Kiki Carter
Architect at Lightbend. Focused on Reactive Systems using Akka, Play and Lagom. Smarter cloud native with
Every Earth
Following (11)
huntc Christopher Hunt |
lucig7pdresel Luci Dresel |
miquelbrazil Miquel Brazil |
seanandrewwalsh |
lutzh Lutz Hühnken |
imarimonclos Ignasi Marimon-Clos i Sunyol |
ironfish Duncan DeVore |
adriaanm Adriaan Moors |
gm Greg Methvin |
viktorklang |
Followers (35)
miquelbrazil Miquel Brazil |
gm Greg Methvin |
lucig7pdresel Luci Dresel |
ashade Folashade |
abodia Abodia Kennedy |
ahine3o Kazimiera |
solvelindgren Set Lfgren |
janeglqen Jane Entrekin |
cryptovox Silver |
mittie_rice George Bull |
Browse others (15)
ramagurur Ramaguru Radhakrishnan |
pwet . . . |
numand Numan Demirdöğen |
china007 china007 |
rooroo_da_panda Kai Bruv |
beauc407 Beau Colligan |
jasonblalock Jason Blalock |
henklein Marc Henklein |
elwoodalbiniak Elwood Albiniak |
akshithg G |
makintosh Makintosh Sytes |