Justin Rudd
Seattle-based Software Developer. I spend most of my time down in the weeds of distributed systems. I fancy myself a programming language nerd, but I tend to gravitate to the C-like (Java, Scala, Go, Rust, etc.).
Seattle, WA
Following (7)
geekzero Ted Bardusch |
krishamoud Kris Hamoud |
ethanmuller Ethan Muller |
robtarr Rob Tarr |
pfulton Patrick Fulton |
claycolburn Clay Colburn |
apsanch1 Anthony Sanchez |
Followers (10)
twistedwon phillip willip |
krishamoud Kris Hamoud |
zimnoska Jitka Janů |
claycolburn Clay Colburn |
a_simpson Adam Simpson |
ethanmuller Ethan Muller |
robtarr Rob Tarr |
pfulton Patrick Fulton |
apsanch1 Anthony Sanchez |
jasongagne |
Browse others (12)
ccarnduff Chris Carnduff |
jonathangreene Jonathan Greene |
mrandi Michele Randi |
peachy m.k. warrick |