Jeremy Davis
Community head honcho and tinkerer with TurnKey GNU/Linux. General FLOSS enthusiast and Debian lover.
Tasmania, Australia
Following (7)
stevenmonteiro Estêvão Chaves Monteiro |
stefandavis Stefan Davis |
lamby Chris Lamb |
doccyblade Kenneth Robinson |
alonswartz Alon Swartz |
turnkeylinux TurnKey GNULinux |
liraz Liraz Siri |
Followers (5)
gbschenkel Gustavo Brondani Schenkel |
aschwanden Michael Aschwanden |
stevenmonteiro Estêvão Chaves Monteiro |
stefandavis Stefan Davis |
doccyblade Kenneth Robinson |
Browse others (15)
anaulin Ana Ulin |
fredriksson1 Yansson Aleksander |
deskmerc Jason Mathews |
creaturephil Philip La |
renatolima Renato Lima |
chanman Daiki Yokoi |
xanderguzman Xander Guzman |
kbondi Kris Bondi |
ryanyoung Ryan Young |
cyberco Berco Beute |
desireebaccus Desiree Marie Baccus |