Isik Mater
A proud member of Alternative Informatics Association, interested in Information Security, Internet activist, a Software Engineer-to-be, a Natural Born Nerd, Free Software Lover, HDR photographer and a Fashionista
Somewhere over the rainbow
Following (8)
dguido Dan Guido |
tanaydin |
ssg Sedat Kapanoglu |
0xabad1dea Melissa Elliott |
safkan Yaşar Safkan |
ahmetasabanci Ahmet A. Sabancı |
koray Koray Al |
sedista sedista |
Followers (28)
antiochia Marcus Aurellio |
davidp0418 David Pearson |
igbagbo Faith Joseph |
mcgownalisapruit McGowan Pruitt |
cjma Christian-Jacques |
xhdix S.Hossein Darvari |
thiras Ant Somers |
msafaksari Mehmet Şafak Sarı |
can_u |
siebertkarlfr Jan Walczak |
Browse others (13)
jlh John Helsby |
pansitwt Pansit Wattanaprasobsuk |
marius9999 Marios Georgiou |
cdrnet Christoph Rüegg |
muhkunae Rhea (Ree-uh, like the birds in south America) |
mjsalvadore Maxwell Salvadore |
mwodk Michael Wiinberg Olesen |
ptantiku Phitchayaphong Tantikul |