Devops engineering, Cloud architect and software craftmanship are my 3 fields of expertise after 20y in the IT industry.
Doing infosec for fun!
Montpellier, France
Following (12)
openfactory Openfactory GmbH |
martinkl Martin Kleppmann |
firstorg FIRST.Org Infrastructure |
clevercloud Clever Cloud |
waxzce Quentin ADAM |
alexisduque Alexis Duque |
laurentgrangeau Laurent Grangeau |
sroberts Scott J Roberts |
brian_56kcloud Brian Christner |
bacongobbler Matthew Fisher |
Followers (2)
divinoart Anakor Divine Obichukwu |
liveriskoroneos |
Browse others (14)
lopezme00 Ebenezer López |
mlindes Michael Lindes |
force1k Gil Green |
okorenevepam Alexander Korenev |
brynjar Brynjar Hjartarson |
iam_authn_bot IAM Authentication Bot |
derek Derek Bender |
cduruk Can Duruk |
ryanrozbiani Ryan |
kthomas1965 KitKat (Kathy) |
martijnvsw Martijn Vanschoenwinkel |