Impact Campus
We're the student newspaper of Laval University. The account is managed but our webmaster (see keybase account "comeul"). We mainly use this as a non-tech friendly way of receiving encrypted message for the editor-in-chief currently in position.
Québec City, Québec, Canada
Following (7)
slaterreur Simon La Terreur-Picard |
renoirb Renoir Boulanger |
guillaumeserale Guillaume Serale |
ricochet Ricochet Media |
hugoprev Hugo Prévost |
comeul Webmaster COMéUL |
jpmurray Jean-Philippe Murray |
Followers (3)
aboutet Alexandre Boutet Dorval |
slaterreur Simon La Terreur-Picard |
jpmurray Jean-Philippe Murray |
Browse others (14)
nshoemaker N. Shoemaker |
calanthe ♡calanthe♡ |
fx86 Fibinse |
feadgesafgan Suzin Polukarp |
mercantil Will Smith |
pineapple_tea ana alexandre |
dorismith Dori Smith |
vastarien Vasta |
ceesberrens Cees Berrens |