Change is the only constant. Be the change you want to see in the world.
MD | engineer | hacker | entrepreneur | researcher | maker of lists
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure!
always in transit
Following (4)
nspfoundation Bill Pollock |
echoicmp |
fs0c131y Elliot Alderson |
unix_ninja Chris |
Followers (2)
alejandrop Alejandro Pallais |
echoicmp |
Browse others (13)
alexpawlowski Alex Pawlowski |
badvogato 格格不入-万事皆空 |
lewis Lewis |
maasalan Mahsa Alimardani |
lisandrach Lisandra |
haeg Hakim El Ghazouani |
borntyping Sam Clements |
cymbelinebuc74t Cymbeline Buchanan |