Hardy Pottinger
DSpace Committer, Digital Library Programmer with UCLA Library. Programmer, poet, geek. Crazy about my wife, my kids, fountain pens and yo-yos. And beer. And tea. And dark chocolate.
Columbia, MO
Following (30)
akarby Amanda Karby |
charlotteucop |
lschiff |
scryptmouse Alexa Grey |
everreau Esther Verreau |
kshepherd Kim Shepherd |
myucekul |
justingonder Justin Gonder |
pfogel |
alinear |
Followers (19)
akarby Amanda Karby |
alinear |
everreau Esther Verreau |
mrpaultj paul T Jones |
justingonder Justin Gonder |
generativist John Bjorn Nelson |
conposed Konstantin Jaworski |
tingle Brian Cedric Tingle |
Browse others (14)
darkzlayer Sumedh Sohrab |
tlacroix Thomas Lacroix |
taxes_r_theft Taxation is theft |
rem Richard Myers |
improver99 Zofia Michalska |
diegoxp Diego |
petarcv Petar Cvetanoski |
joeyschoblaska Joey Schoblaska |