Buy low, sell high in the realm of technology ideas
Chengdu, China
Following (9)
gvom Grand Vizier of Malta |
mattodell Matt Odell |
russharben Russ Harben |
brockvond mrbrockvond |
chikin |
pjm_says PJM |
bitstein Michael Goldstein |
desantis Andrew T. DeSantis |
exiledsurfer Michael Parenti |
Followers (17)
quiz42 Q42 |
gvom Grand Vizier of Malta |
cbobrobison Christopher Robison |
luna1999 Iñigo |
inertiahere inertia |
brockvond mrbrockvond |
etheric etheric |
pjm_says PJM |
11jmoore Justin Moore |
mattodell Matt Odell |
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jamsheed Jamsheed Mistri |
ibanb Iban Balasch |
lubiluk Paweł Gajewski |
bpb Ben Blackburne |
craigian_kj Craig Ian 2043 |
tlacroix Thomas Lacroix |
luke2407 Luc |
elisegraham Elise Graham |
thorwolpert Thor Wolpert |
seabasscampos Sebastian Campos |
bastiandg Bastian de Groot |