Ruben Hernandez
Mechanical engineer especializing in design and development of mechanical and process systems for the biotech sector.
SF Bay Area
Following (10)
max Max Krohn |
vanessahernandez |
judith85m |
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
mobiusnetwork |
aantonop Andreas M. Antonopoulos |
barrysilbert Barry Silbert |
dmazieres David Mazières |
jed Jed McCaleb |
coblee Charlie Lee |
Followers (2)
vanessahernandez |
judith85m |
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noahjohnhay Noah John Hay |
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hamzaguedira Hamza Guedira |
mateiradu Matei Bogdan Radu |
smag Sarah Magan |
lneoe 啾啾啾 |
floke75 Johan Folke |
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