⥹Tor Project ⨀ Bitsafe Labs]⥻
x86 generalist, reverse engineer and protocol/binary vulnerability hunter, kernel developer. MIT Alum '10/ Focus in artificial general intelligence and utilizing AGI to find logic flaws in digital currency
Following (11)
willglynn Will Glynn |
chris Chris Coyne |
switch Michael W |
mononcqc Fred Hébert |
bitcoindream Bitcoin Dream |
btctalk Shayan Eskandari |
strcrzy strcrzy |
max Max Krohn |
elo Elorion |
gbg gbg |
Followers (7)
blackknight Black Knight |
jaredcrypto Jaye Harrill |
seandgoodwin Sean Goodwin |
switch Michael W |
bobh Bob Hood |
strcrzy strcrzy |
bee bee |
Browse others (14)
delasalle Georgina Ross |
tvorogme Andrey Tvorozhkov |
stafford086 Cole Stafford |
cardingcash Carding Cash |
marylu6cvkat Marylu Katheder |
chorusoneopus Chorus One Opus |
shawnacox Shawna Cox |
bashvie Bash Vollink |
iivvoo Ivo van der Wijk |
vladodivac Władysław |
alawi1415 Ali Asiri |
sethvargo Seth Vargo |