Felipe Schmidt Fonseca
I am Felipe Fonseca, a Brazilian activist and free/open advocate turned researcher, working on the OpenDOTT project and living currently in Dundee, Scotland.
Following (16)
metal Marcelo Jorge Vieira |
cabelo Maurilio Atila |
marcogomes Marco Gomes |
mushon Mushon Zer Aviv |
yaso Yasodara Cordova |
bgola Bruno Gola |
marcellmars Marcell Mars |
jamie_k Jamie King |
dmytri Dmytri Kleiner |
tapmak Tapio Makela |
Followers (7)
teesab11 |
wagnertamanaha Wagner Tamanaha |
wingirl15 |
iuriguilherme Iuri Guilherme dos Santos Martins |
jasurbek Tegnm2 |
marcellmars Marcell Mars |
cvillela Carlos Villela |
Browse others (15)
blkmetal Black Metal |
vanz Luca Vanzella |
notshanks Ben Shankles |
sebbornidentity Paul Sebborn |
michellmaa Michell Maa |
ohnewein Patrick Ohnewein |
robertmccurryxaz Robert Mccurry |
fullnull not full not null |
yizhe Yizhe Xu |
antonhawthorne Anton Hawthorne |
kstormp Karsten Storm Petersen |