E. Adams
3D printing, target shooting, fish tanks, etc. 2yrs of Autocad in school (12, its been a while) IT guy with 26yrs of PC, mainframe programming and telecom exp.
West Ky
Following (37)
drunkrebel Cadet 124-329 |
zipdic Zip Dic |
mdoughge Mike |
d33pthought d33pthought |
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avalanche_abassy Anton Santano |
yeetmaster Smithy WerbenJagerManjensen |
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booligan Booligan |
sschoor |
Followers (3)
kent777001 |
11bp Pat riot |
pilotgeek Ross Peters |
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ryaemnem Basova Mokrina |
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aleciak Alessandro Poffa |
dolphinparton Alice, she-they |
mattmould Matt Mould |
aaaghui tommy smith |