Donnell Spearman
Hiring, training, motivating and coaching employees as they provide attentive, efficient service to customers, assessing employee performance and providing helpful feedback and training opportunities.
Nottingham, UK
Following (2)
sarabowman Sara |
myaesovpab Musorgskiy Protasiy |
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dainen Bekaryukov Filofey |
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mzkaretta Karetta Green |
handsomematt Matt Stevens |
censey Chris Ensey |
irreverentmonk IrreverentMonk |
gregoria89 Witold Wojcik |
benicoletta Nicoletta |
tomzepf Tom Zepf |
bacchimarc Marc Bacchi |
kody Kody Dickerson |
starr Chase Starr |
andronin Kim White |
daynatinker Dayna Tinker |
mespel Marianne Espeland |