David Mead
An Englishman abroad - Been working with the web since the 90's, main focus now is UX/UI. Moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 2001.
Ohio, USA
Following (11)
alampros Aaron Lampros |
beep Ethan Marcotte |
johnallsopp |
joyce Joyce Kim |
danklyn Daniel Bruce Klyn |
wilw Wil Wheaton |
joefiorini Joe Fiorini |
wiegand Branden Wiegand |
benjaminws Benjamin W. Smith |
aaronpk Aaron Parecki |
Browse others (15)
arthurmb Arthur Mochiuti Braghetto |
danzenken DanzenKen |
pfhreak Phill Spiess |
udbhav Udbhav Tiwari |
kiarabickers Kiara Bickers |
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danielwouters Daniël Wouters |
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