Chris Rummel
Software engineer and assorted technology hobbyist. I hate traffic and people, so I live in the Midwest.
Fargo, ND, USA
Following (10)
aarnott Andrew Arnott |
meinders Travis Meinders |
mfkp Kyle Powers |
nespor Matthew Nespor |
sprocter Sam Procter |
oltman Bryan Oltman |
kiel Kiel Oleson |
natelowry Nate Lowry |
jhofker Jordan Hofker |
strout Steve Trout |
Followers (7)
micasher24 |
willclemente Will Clemente |
meinders Travis Meinders |
schaelkas Myachkov Vladimir |
natelowry Nate Lowry |
strout Steve Trout |
kfalconspb Scott Bollinger |
Browse others (15)
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bapril Benjamin April |
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