Cal Abel
Creating technology to advance the human condition. #energy #bitcoin #economics
Atlanta, GA
Following (19)
udiwertheimer Udi Wertheimer |
stephenbarbour Steve |
sarahjeong Sarah Jeong |
cbeams |
kgraf Konrad S. Graf |
alenasatoshi Alena Satoshi V. |
ncarter Nic Carter |
giannidalerta Gianni D'Alerta |
ryanxcharles Ryan X. Charles |
barrysilbert Barry Silbert |
Followers (13)
aleph_0 |
alexbmc Alexander |
saintaquinas Bruno Romuald Aquinas |
farscapian farscapian |
luna1999 Iñigo |
alenasatoshi Alena Satoshi V. |
ncarter Nic Carter |
pontuslindblom Pontus Lindblom |
curiousjohn John Love |
giannidalerta Gianni D'Alerta |
Browse others (13)
dsiddy Dan Siddoway |
annahajduk Anna Hajduk |
jeffparr Jeff Parr |
ajcrowe Alex Crowe |
gamerzs Declan M. |
firius Antonio |
tedpep123 Tedipren |
staarrr star lee |
0ksanabanias Oksana Banias |