Hi! I'm Carolina. I love The Simpsons, the milangas con papafritas and the sea.. and dancing.. ice cream, pasta, alfajores.. well, food. I love food. And sleep. 🍟
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Following (101)
reya Chesnok Nikita |
kennethbryan |
eloia Eloisa Armstrong |
kikito25 Kalina Metodieva |
kotezhsekkikne Veselovskiy Anikita |
janossenna Janos Senna |
kuevomsal Ermolova Ariadna |
amandakamyk Amanda |
melvincherem12 Cherem Melvin |
juliennede79dl Julienne Devaughan |
Followers (101)
hooooh_123 |
xaransh Sarans Mohapatra |
k0202122 |
enumall |
janetmandy Janet Sinclair Mandy |
p1luz Marco Pili |
devil_play03 Devil |
araratkartal |
kent777001 |
manshod |
Browse others (14)
fgodino Fernando Godino |
rgates5 Raven Gates |
iranga Iranga Gamage |
kmalhotra Kanchan Malhotra |
zachdtaylor Zach |
gkmngrgn Gökmen Görgen |
bernonbutler Eduardo Sierra |
sgmitchell Dean Mitchell |
udevi urmika shah |
thomcastermans Thom |
carwash Marcus Smith |