Programming is my primary skill, but I also love linguistics.
Learning more programming, myself and a foreign language all at the same time.
Following (16)
xena Xe |
muesli Christian Muehlhaeuser |
kitredgrave Kit Redgrave |
halcy Lorenz Diener |
xenonfiber Xenon |
earthnuker Daniel Seiller |
roscoebrooks Roscoe Brooks |
er1n erin moon |
dinnerbone Nathan Adams |
dualcoremusic Dual Core |
Followers (9)
earthnuker Daniel Seiller |
muesli Christian Muehlhaeuser |
kitredgrave Kit Redgrave |
bb010g Dusk Banks |
bleedleaf ❤︎EUTE |
xenonfiber Xenon |
er1n erin moon |
roscoebrooks Roscoe Brooks |
falkreon Isaac Ellingson |
Browse others (13)
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anthonyscarfe Anthony Scarfe |
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newton_san newton sander |
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epergo Eloy Perez |